Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Move Over, Taylor

TDQ is at camp this week so a lesser level of drama in our house this week. Miss that girl like crazy, tho.

Last week she informed me (and we have had many many conversations around this) that she wanted to sign up to be a singer. A famous singer, naturally. Girl has aspirations. We have been watching the meteoric rise of a girl from London Ontario called “Saveria” (I’m guessing that the girl’s parents couldn’t decide between Savannah and Maria so did a funky mashup, hehe) who is truly the girl next door gone famous, blowing away all of my sensible and reasoned advice that only kids from California can get famous. Don’t even mention the Beeb, K?

Singing has been one persistent goal for TDQ. I still remember watching Grade 8 graduation with each student getting a good 30 seconds of air time – what high school they were going to, achievements and awards from the past year and future career aspirations. Could have knocked me down with a feather when TDQ’s goal in life was to become a singer.

So I will be emailing this week to inquire about singing lessons with a local dance & music studio that has proven to be both warm and welcoming. My inquiry will go something like:

• 100% tone deaf
• Absolutely no sense of rhythm
• Musical instrument experience - a few months of recorder in Grade 7
• Vocal range of approximately 3 notes, most of them gruff
• Wants to reach Billboard Top 10 and kick Taylor Swift’s ass by end of term

How much will this cost me?

Questions bouncing around in my mind today – how to provide a nurturing, supportive environment for all of my children while simultaneously (metaphorically) beating them down to the harsh realities of life? Nope, no drama here this week.

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